Way Clinic Launches New Donor Campaign


Way Clinic Launches New Donor Campaign

August 30, 2019


100% of The Way Free Medical Clinic's operating funds come from donations and grants. In 2018, The Way launched a three-year Capacity Building Initiative designed to provide more services to more people in need. The Way Clinic needs to reach more potential donors to educate them on what the clinic does for the community, and how they can contribute. Without a marketing budget, this can only be done by networking--person to person. If you are a current donor or volunteer, please consider joining us for this important launch of a new donor campaign to recruit "100 new donors in 100 days". Facebook is a great way to reach you friends and contacts, as well as email blasts--just direct them to this site and our Facebook page and let them know that you support the clinic and that we urgently need them to join us. Thank you for your support!